5/10 Term Project Initial Design

5/10 Term Project Initial Design Presentation should include following:

-experimental protocol title (e.g. VR attention)
-study objectives (e.g. effects of orienting student’s attention in interactive VR)
  + detailed objectives (e.g. analysis of stimuli that affects student’s attention
                                    & analysis of user attention using EEG, GSR, etc)
-study background & hypothesis (e.g. attention will be different by guided search task vs. unguided exploration task)
-study method
 + experimental design (e.g. within-subject study or between-subject study)
   – independent variables (i.e., conditions)
   – dependent variables (e.g. completion time, error)
 + subjects (e.g. 12 students)
 + task (e.g. unguided vs. guided task), etc (e.g. with vs. without stimuli)
 + apparatus (e.g. VR system vs. MOVE system vs. HMD system, etc)
 + procedure (e.g. pre-test survey -> training -> relaxation -> unguided task -> relaxation -> guided task -> post-test survey)
 + evaluations (e.g. interview, survey, EEG, etc)
-expected results & why?

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