Unity – Scripting API: Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint (unity3d.com)
Camera 클래스의 ScreenToWorldPoint 함수는 스크린 좌표를 카메라가 찍고있는 3차원의 좌표로 바꿔줌.
void OnGUI() { Vector3 point = new Vector3(); Event currentEvent = Event.current; Vector3 mousePos = new Vector3(); // Get the mouse position from Event. // Note that the y position from Event is inverted. (GUI space -> Screen space) mousePos.x = currentEvent.mousePosition.x; mousePos.y = Camera.main.pixelHeight - currentEvent.mousePosition.y; mousePos.z = Camera.main.nearClipPlane; point = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(20, 20, 250, 120)); GUILayout.Label("Screen pixels: " + cam.pixelWidth + ":" + cam.pixelHeight); GUILayout.Label("Mouse position: " + mousePos); GUILayout.Label("World position: " + point.ToString("F3")); GUILayout.EndArea(); }