ToastCloud Linux VM

ToastCloud Linux VM

    1. Download putty.exe & pscp.exe (64-bit)
    2. Connect to your linux VM(ubuntu v.16.04) using putty.exe (SSH your_ip_addr port 22)
      Connection->Data->Auto-login username: ubuntu (login)
      Connection->SSH->Auth->Private key file for authentication: DDS_lecture.ppk (use key)
    3. File transfer from PC to Linux VM using pscp.exe
      E.g.) pscp.exe -i “C:\Users\park\Desktop\03_DDS_Lecture\DDS_Lecture.ppk” C:\Users\park\Desktop\test.tar ubuntu@:/home/ubuntu
    4. File transfer from Linux VM to PC using pscp.exe
      E.g.) pscp.exe -i “C:\Users\park\Desktop\03_DDS_Lecture\DDS_Lecture.ppk” ubuntu@:/home/ubuntu/test/hello.tar .
    5. File transfer using FileZilla Client for Windows (64-bit)
      Protocol: SFTP
      Logon Type: Key file
      User: ubuntu
      Key file: DDS_lecture.ppk
    6. File zip/unzip | tar cvf/xvf on Linux
      zip -r test // <- test 디렉토리를 test.zip으로 압축
      unzip // <- test.zip를 압축해제
      tar cvf test.tar test // <- test 디렉토리를 test.tar로 압축
      tar xvf test.tar
    7. // <- test.tar를 압축해제

Oracle Virtual Box