Monthly Archives: September 2010
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Group assignment 1
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Modification
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
September 27, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Modification
The goal of this group term project assignment is to experiment with the possibilities in Mobile AR game modification, and to understand the process of designing game rules, as separate from creating game “assets” or technology.
Your modified game is expected to be completed and playable, and it should be in some way dedicated to new and engaging gameplay.
First, your modification game will be built on one of the Mobile AR games you surveyed (e.g. Layar, Wikitude, Nearest Tube, Sekai Camera, AR! Pirates, ARhrr, ARIS, etc) or traditional game to be modified so that it benefits from Mobile AR service.
Summit the report (3~5 page) & present the modification in class on Oct 4th, 2010.
-New results must be devised – they can be completely new, or substantial changes to the existing rules.
-The modification must make use of the existing game “assets” – e.g., iphone, items, etc.
-Not all the game parts need to be used.
-Slight introduction of new materials (e.g. more items, different items).
-Using other kinds of mobile devices to supplement the game.
-The rules must be clear and complete, so that a stranger will be able to take them as is and play your new game (include the target audience, number of players, and an estimate of the playing time)
-Notes on game focus, development and playtesting – any issues that were revealed during playtesting; in particular, think about “is the game balanced? is it fun?”
History of Mobile AR
Pacman in the pond
Image courtesy from Lance Long
5 New Ways Small Business Can Offer Location-Based Deals
1. Verified Checkin Rewards
2. Social Barcodes
3. Group Deals
4. Challenge-Based Rewards
Metaverse Roadmap
증강현실과 소셜이 만난 소셜 쇼핑 서비스
Project Groups
1 group-김슬기
2 group-문지해, 서기영, 방용식, 김그림
3 group-유주희, 민재홍, 김영환, 장현철
4 group-김승배, 이준호, 김지훈, 김재준