
Interface (인터페이스)

IEnumerable & IEnumerator Interface
-IEnumerable 인터페이스는 foreach를 사용하여 컬랙션을 반복하는 것을 지원하기 위해 구현하여 사용한다.

IEquatable Interface
-IEquatable 인터페이스는 두 객체간에 서로 내부 내용이 같은 지 (예: if(a == b))를 비교하기 위해 구현하여 사용한다.

IComparable Interface
-IComparable 인터페이스는 개체에 대한 기본 정렬(sort) 순서를 지정해주기 위해 구현하여 사용한다. 해당 개체를 배열이나 컬랙션에서 정렬하는데 필요하다.


Indexer (인덱서)

Property (속성)

Abstract Class (추상 클래스)

Sealed Class (봉인 클래스)

polymorphism (다형성)
– Shape/Circle/Rectangle/Triangle/Square 클래스
– class 및 inheritance
– abstract class 및 polymorphism


override vs new

namespace PersonTest
class Person
static int count = 0;   // static (class) variables

string name;    // instance variables
int age;        // instance variables

public string Name
return name;
name = value;

public int Age
return age;
age = value;

public Person() : this(“”, 0)

public Person(string name, int age)
count++; = name;
this.age = age;

public virtual void Print()    // instance methods
Console.WriteLine(“Person Name: {0} Age: {1}”, name, age);

public override string ToString()      // instance methods
return “Person Name: ” + name + ” Age: ” + age;

public static int GetCount() { return count; }  // static (class) methods
public static void PrintCount() { Console.WriteLine(“Person Count: ” + count); }  // static (class) methods

namespace PersonTest
class Student : Person
static int scount = 0; // static (class) variables
int id;
public int ID
return id;
id = value;

public Student() : this(“”, 0, 5208) // Student() => public Student : base()와 같은 의미, 생성자는 상속안됨

public Student(string name, int age, int id)
: base(name, age)
{ = id;

public void BasePrint()

public override void Print() // instance methods
Console.WriteLine(“Student Name: {0} Age: {1} Id: {2}”, Name, Age, ID);

public override string ToString()  // instance methods
return “Student Name: ” + Name + ” Age: ” + Age + ” Id: ” + ID;

// Person 클래스의 GetCount & PrintCount와 동일한 이름이므로, Student 감춤. new 키워드를 사용하여 새로정의함.
public static new int GetCount() { return scount; } // static (class) methods
public static new void PrintCount() { Console.WriteLine(“Student Count: ” + scount); }  // static (class) methods

namespace PersonTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Person p1 = new Student(“Kyoung”, 22, 1207); // up casting
p1.Age = 30;
p1.Print(); // dynamic binding Student Name: Kyoung Age: 30 ID: 1207
//p1.BasePrint(); // cannot call Student method due to Person
//p1.PrintCount(); // cannot call static method with instance name
Person.PrintCount(); // calls Person.PrintCount() 1
Student.PrintCount(); // calls Student.PrintCount() 1

Student s1 = (Student)p1; // down casting
s1.Name = “HCI”;
s1.Age = 2;
s1.ID = 2016;
s1.Print(); // Student Name: HCI Age: 2 ID: 2016
s1.BasePrint(); // Person Name: HCI Age: 2
Person.PrintCount(); // calls Person.PrintCount() 1
Student.PrintCount(); // calls Student.PrintCount() 1

Student s2 = new Student(“Shin”, 20, 1207);
s2.Print(); // Student Name: Shin Age: 20 ID: 1207
s2.BasePrint(); // Person Name: Shin Age: 20
Person.PrintCount(); // calls Person.PrintCount() 2
Student.PrintCount(); // calls Student.PrintCount() 2

Person p2 = new Person(“Park”, 10);
p2.Print(); // Person Name: Park Age: 10
Person.PrintCount(); // calls Person.PrintCount() 3
Student.PrintCount(); // calls Student.PrintCount() 2

Person p3 = new Person();
p3.Print(); // Person Name: Age: 0
Person.PrintCount(); // calls Person.PrintCount() 4
Student.PrintCount(); // calls Student.PrintCount() 2

Console.WriteLine(“Number of Person: {0}”, Person.GetCount());
Console.WriteLine(“Number of Student: {0}”, Student.GetCount());



Method Overloading vs Method Overriding

Method Overloading: 동일한 함수명에 매개변수가 다른 함수를 둘 이상 정의하는 것으로, 동일한 함수 기능을 수행하지만 다른 매개변수의 경우를 처리할 때 사용

Method Overriding: 상속받은 파생 클래스에서 동일한 함수명에 동일한 매개변수로 정의하여 함수를 재정의하는 것으로 상속되어진 함수의 기능을 변경해서 재사용하고 싶을 때 사용

class Point : IEquatable<Point>, IComparable<Point>
// static member field
protected static int count = 0;
// instance member field
protected int x, y;
// property
public int X
get { return this.x; }
set { this.x = value; }
public int Y
get { return this.y; }
set { this.y = value; }
public static int Count
get { return count; } // error: this.count 는 사용할 수 없음
// constructor & destructor
public Point() : this(0, 0) { }
public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; count++; }
~Point() { count–; }
// method
public void SetPosition(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }
public void Move(int x, int y) { this.x += x; this.y += y; }
// override method
public override string ToString() { return (String.Format(“({0}, {1})”, x, y)); }
// virtual method
public virtual void Print() { Console.WriteLine(“X={0} Y={1}”, x, y); }public virtual void Sum(Point other) { x += other.X; y += other.Y; }
// static method
public static int GetCount() { return count; }
// operator++ overload
public static Point operator++(Point p) { ++p.x; ++p.y; return p; }
// operator== overload
public static bool operator==(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.Equals(p2); }
// operator!= overload
public static bool operator!=(Point p1, Point p2) { return !p1.Equals(p2); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return x ^ y; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is Point))
return false;
return Equals((Point)obj);

// IEquatable
public virtual bool Equals(Point other)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) // if reference is the same
return true;
return (this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y);
// IComparable
public int CompareTo(Point other)
if (this.x > other.x)
return 1;
else if (this.x < other.x)
return -1;
return 0;


class Point3D : Point, IEquatable<Point3D>
{// instance member field
protected int z;

// property
public int Z
get { return this.z; }
set { this.z = value; }

// constructor & destructor
public Point3D() : this(0, 0, 0) { }
public Point3D(int x, int y, int z) : base(x, y) { this.z = z; }
~Point3D() { }

public void SetPosition(int x, int y, int z) { base.SetPosition(x, y); this.z = z; }
public void Move(int x, int y, int z) { base.Move(x, y); this.z += z; }

// override method
public override string ToString() { return (String.Format(“({0}, {1}, {2})”, x, y, z)); }
public override void Print() { Console.WriteLine(“X={0} Y={1} Z={2}”, x, y, z); }

public override void Sum(Point other)

if (other is Point3D)
else base.Sum(other);

// overload method
public void Sum(Point3D other) { x += other.X; y += other.Y; z += other.Z; }
// operator++ overload
public static Point3D operator++(Point3D p) { ++p.x; ++p.y; ++p.z; return p; }
// operator== overload
public static bool operator ==(Point3D p1, Point3D p2) { return p1.Equals(p2); }
// operator!= overload
public static bool operator !=(Point3D p1, Point3D p2) { return !p1.Equals(p2); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return x ^ y ^ z; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)

if (!(obj is Point3D))

return false;

return Equals((Point3D)obj);
public override bool Equals(Point other)
if (other is Point3D))return Equals((Point3D)other);


return base.Equals(other);


// IEquatable
public bool Equals(Point3D other)

if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
return this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y && this.z == other.z;
// IComparable
public int CompareTo(Point3D other)
if (this == other)
return 0;
else if (this.x < other.x)
return -1;
else if ((this.x == other.x) && (this.y < other.y))

return -1;

else if ((this.x == other.x) && (this.y == other.y) && (this.z < other.z))

return -1;


return 1;


class PointTest
// pass-by-value (value type)
static void Swap(int p1, int p2)
int p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
// pass-by-reference (value type)
static void Swap(ref int p1, ref int p2)
int p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
// pass-by-value (reference type)
static void Swap(int[] p1, int[] p2)
int[] p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
// pass-by-value (reference type)
static void Swap(ref int[] p1, ref int[] p2)
int[] p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
static void Swap(ref Point p1, ref Point p2)
Point p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
static void Swap(ref Point3D p1, ref Point3D p2)
Point3D p;
p = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p;
static void Main(string[] args)
// value type: pass-by-value/pass-by-reference
int i = 5, j = 10;
Console.WriteLine(“Before: i={0}, j={1}”, i, j); // i=5, j=10
Swap(i, j);
Console.WriteLine(“After Swap(i,j): i={0}, j={1}”, i, j); // i=5, j=10
Swap(ref i, ref j);
Console.WriteLine(“After Swap(ref i, ref j): i={0}, j={1}”, i, j); // i=10, j=5
// reference type: pass-by-value/pass-by-reference
int[] arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };
int[] arr2 = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
Console.WriteLine(“Before array pass-by-value swap: “);
Console.Write(“arr1: “);
foreach (int a in arr1) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr1: 1 2 3
Console.Write(“arr2: “);
foreach (int a in arr2) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr2: 4 5 6 7 8
Swap(arr1, arr2);
Console.WriteLine(“After Swap(arr1, arr2): “);
Console.Write(“arr1: “);
foreach (int a in arr1) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr1: 1 2 3
Console.Write(“arr2: “);
foreach (int a in arr2) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr2: 4 5 6 7 8
Swap(ref arr1, ref arr2);
Console.WriteLine(“After Swap(ref arra1, ref arr2): “);
Console.Write(“arr1: “);
foreach (int a in arr1) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr1: 4 5 6 7 8
Console.Write(“arr2: “);
foreach (int a in arr2) Console.Write(“{0} “, a); // arr2: 1 2 3
// Point
Console.Write(“p1: “);
Point p1 = new Point();
p1.Print(); // Point.Print() (0, 0)
Console.Write(“p2: “);
Point p2 = new Point();
p2.Print(); // Point.Print() (0, 0)
p1.SetPosition(10, 10); // Point.SetPosition(int, int)
Console.Write(“p1 SetPosition: “);
p1.Print(); // Point.Print() (10, 10)
p1.Move(20, 50); // Point.Move(int, int)
Console.Write(“p1 Move: “);
Console.WriteLine(“p1=” + p1); // Point.ToString() (30, 60)
p2.SetPosition(20, 30); // Point.SetPosition(int, int)
Console.Write(“p2 SetPosition: “);
p2.Print(); // Point.Print() (20, 30)
//포인터 객체 교환함수 호출
Swap(ref p1, ref p2);
Console.WriteLine(“p1: {0}”, p1); // Point.ToString() (20, 30)
Console.WriteLine(“p2: {0}”, p2); // Point.ToString() (30, 60)
Console.WriteLine(“p1.m_nX={0}, p1.m_nY={1}, Point.GetCount()={2}”, p1.X, p1.Y, Point.Count);
Console.WriteLine(“p2.m_nX={0}, p2.m_nY={1}, Point.GetCount()={2}”, p2.X, p2.Y, Point.Count);
// Point3D
Console.Write(“p3: “);
Point3D p3 = new Point3D();
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (0, 0, 0)
Console.Write(“p4: “);
Point3D p4 = new Point3D();
p4.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (0, 0, 0)
p3.SetPosition(10, 20); // Point3D.SetPosition(int,int)
Console.Write(“p3 SetPosition: “);
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (10, 20, 0)
p3.SetPosition(30, 40, 50); // Point3D.SetPosition(int,int,int)
Console.Write(“p3 SetPosition: “);
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (30, 40, 50)
++p3; // Point3D.operator++
Console.Write(“++p3: “);
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (31, 41, 51)
p3.Move(20, 30, 40); // Point3D.Move(int,int,int)
Console.Write(“p3 Move: “);
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (51, 71, 91)
p3.Move(10, 10); // Point3D.Move(int,int)
Console.Write(“p3 Move: “);
Console.WriteLine(p3); // Point3D.ToString() (61, 81, 91)
p4.SetPosition(100, 200, 300); // Point3D.SetPosition(int,int,int)
Console.Write(“p4 SetPosition: “);
p4.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (100, 200, 300)
p4.Move(10, 10, 10); // Point.Move(int, int,int)
Console.Write(“p4 Move: “);
p4.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (110, 210, 310)
p3.Sum(p4); // Point3D.Sum(Point3D) (61+110, 81+210, 91+310)
p3.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (171, 291, 401)
//포인터 객체 교환함수 호출
Swap(ref p3, ref p4); // (171,291,401) <-> (110,210,310)
Console.WriteLine(“p1: {0}”, p3); // Point3D.ToString() (110,210,310)
Console.WriteLine(“p2: {0}”, p4); // Point3D.ToString() (171,291,401)
Console.WriteLine(“p3.m_nX={0}, p3.m_nY={1}, p3.m_nZ={2}, Point.GetCount()={3}”, p3.X, p3.Y, p3.Z, Point.GetCount());
Console.WriteLine(“p4.m_nX={0}, p4.m_nY={1}, p4.m_nZ={2}, Point.count={3}”, p4.X, p4.Y, p4.Z, Point.Count);
if (p3 == p4) Console.WriteLine(“p3 == p4”); // Point3D.operator==
if (p3 != p4) Console.WriteLine(“p3 != p4”); // Point3D.operator!=
Console.Write(“p5: “);
// polymorphism
Point p5 = p3; // upcasting – P5는 Point 타입인 Point3D 객체
p5.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (110,210,310)
p5.SetPosition(10,20); // Point.SetPosition(int,int)
p5.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (10,20,310)
((Point3D)p5).SetPosition(10,20,30); // downcasting – Point3D.SetPosition(int,int,int)

p5.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (10,20,30)
Console.Write(“p6: “);
Point p6 = new Point3D(110, 210, 310); // upcasting – p6도 Point 타입인 Point3D 객체
p6.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (110,210,310)
p5.Sum(p6); // Point3D.Sum(Point) (late binding) (10+110, 20+210, 30+310)
p5.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (110,230,340)
p6.Print(); // Point3D.Print() (late binding) (110,210,310)
Point3D p7 = (Point3D)p5; // downcasting
Console.WriteLine(p7); // Point3D.ToString()
Point3D p8 = p5 as Point3D;
Console.WriteLine(p7); // Point3D.ToString()
if (p7 == p8) Console.WriteLine(“p7 == p8”); // p7 == p8


단국대학교 멀티미디어공학과 HCI프로그래밍2 (2016년 가을학기) 실습
과목코드 : 300890
강사 : 박경신
날짜: 2016년 10월 10일
– 실습번호 : HW1 (Due by 10/24)
– 실습제목 : class, abstract class, inheritance, property, ArrayList
– 실습요약 : 입체 도형의 겉넓이(surface area)와 부피(volume) 구하기 & 평면 도형의 넓이(area) 구하기
– 준비자료 : HW1

10/20까지 이러닝으로 실행파일(bin\*.exe)과 소스코드(*.cs)와 보고서(*.doc/*.hwp)를 전부 “학번_이름”으로 묶어서 제출한다. 또한, 비주얼 스튜디오에서 만든 프로젝트 전체 파일(*.sln, *.csproj)을 폴더에 같이 넣어준다. 보고서는 출력해서 수업시간에 제출한다.

– 실습문제
0. GeometryType과 FigureType을 아래와 같이 정의한다.

1. Geometry와 Figure 추상클래스를 정의한다.
public abstract class Geometry {
public abstract GeometryType Type { get; } // 도형타입 (GeometryType)
public abstract double SurfaceArea { get; } // 겉넓이
public abstract double Volume { get; } // 부피
public abstract void GetAdditionalUserInput(); // 추가적인 사용자 입력
public void PrintInfo() {
System.Console.WriteLine(ToString() + “ S.A.=” + SurfaceArea + “ Vol=” + Volume);
public abstract class Figure {
public abstract FigureType Type { get; } // 도형타입 (FigureType)
public abstract double Area { get; } // 넓이
public abstract void GetAdditionalUserInput(); // 추가적인 사용자 입력
public void PrintInfo() {
System.Console.WriteLine(ToString() + “Area=” + Area);

2. Geometry 추상클래스를 상속받은 Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, … 는 겉넓이(Surface Area), 부피(Volume)를 계산하여 출력한다. 그리고 Figure 추상클래스를 상속받은 Triangle, Square, Rectangle, … 등 클래스는 넓이(Area)를 계산하여 출력한다.

3. GeometryFactory 클래스와 FigureFactory 클래스는 사용자가 입력한 도형타입에 따라 원하는 실제 클래스 (즉, Sphere, Cone, … 그리고 Triangle, Square,.. 등등) 객체를 생성하여 계산한다. 이 클래스는 다음의 메소드 (Method)만을 갖는다.
+public static Geometry GetInstance(GeometryType type)
+public static Figure GetInstance(FigureType type)

4. GeometryCalculator 클래스와 FigureCalculator 클래스는 계산 메소드를 갖는다
+ public static void CalculateAll() // ArrayList에 Geometry/Figure 객체를 생성하여 넣고, 각각의 SurfaceArea&Volume/Area를 계산한다.
+ public static void CalculateByUserInput() // 사용자 입력으로 원하는 Geometry/Figure 객체를 생성하여 SurfaceArea&Volume/Area를 계산하고, ArrayList에 저장해 두었다가 프로그램을 종료할 시 전체 리스트를 출력한다.

5. Utility 클래스에서는 각종 유틸리티 메소드를 갖는다.
+public static GeometryType GetUserGeometry()
+public static FigureType GetUserFigure()
+public static double GetUserInputDouble()
+public static int GetUserInputBetween(int min, int max)
+public static bool GetUserExitKey()

6. GeoFigCalculator 클래스에서는 사용자의 입력에 따라 GeometryCalculator와 FigureCalculator를 이용하여 계산한 모든 결과를 출력한다.

7. 사용자의 잘못된 입력에 따른 처리를 반드시 포함해야 하며, 그 외에 본인이 더 테스트해보고 싶은 method나 routine을 추가하라. 실행 화면과 코드를 첨부하시오.