
//: Playground – noun: a place where people can play

// DataStructure (function, optional, enum, class, inheritance, struct)

// Kyoung Shin Park (2016 Fall)

import Cocoa

// function

func sayHello(personName: String = “World”) -> String {

let greeting = “Hello, ” + personName + “!”

return greeting


var delegate = sayHello()




// Optional & Forced unwrapping & Optional binding

let planets = [“Mercury”:1, “Venus”:2, “Earth”:3] // assign dictionary

let planetID: Int? = planets[“Earth”]

if planetID != nil { // check if planetID is nil to prevent run-time error

print(“Earth = \(planetID!)”) // Forced unwrapping (using !) Earth = 3

} else {

print(“Earth is not found”)


// Optional binding (unwrapping an optional)

if let planetID = planets[“Earth”] { // return true if planetID has valid value

print(“Earth = \(planetID)”)       // Earth = 3


// ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional

var w: Int! = 1 // same as var w: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int> = 1

print(w) // you don’t need to put !

var z: Int! // same as var z: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int> = nil

//print(z) // RUN-TIME ERROR (because z is nil)

w = nil // OK

//print(w) // RUN-TIME ERROR (because w is nil) while unwrapping

// Nil coalescing operator

let defaultColorName = “Red”

var userDefinedColorName: String? // set to nil

// colorNameToUse = “Red” (because userDefinedColorName = nil)

var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName

// if planets[“Earth”] = nil then it will return the default value 0)

var ID : Int? = planets[“Earth”] ?? 0 // var earthID: Int? = 3

// Optional chaining

class Person {

var contact: Contact? // automatically set to nil


class Contact {

var address: String? // automatically set to nil

var telephone: String? // automatically set to nil


let p = Person()

//var phone =!.telephone! // run-time error(because contact=nil)

if let contact = { // optional binding to read optional property

if let phone = contact.telephone {


} else {

print(“phone is nil”)


} else {

print(“contact is nil”)


// optional chaining

var phone = // phone=nil (because contact=nil)


// use optional chaining & optional binding together = Contact() = “12345”

if let phone = {



// Enumeration

enum Gender {

case Female

case Male

init() { // initialization

self = .Female


init(_ name: String)


switch name {

case “Female”, “여자”: self = .Female

case “Male”, “남자”: self = .Male

default: self = .Female



var description: String {

switch self {

case .Female: return “FEMALE~”

case .Male: return “MALE~”




var gender = Gender()


gender = Gender(“남자”)


gender = Gender.Female

gender = .Male


switch gender {

case .Female: print(“FEMALE!!”)

case .Male: print(“MALE!!”)


// Enum, multiple member values can appear on a single line, separated by commas

// Enum rawValue

enum Planet: Int {

case Mercury=1, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


let earthID = Planet.Earth.rawValue

let somePlanet = Planet.Earth

switch somePlanet {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


let aPlanet = Planet(rawValue: 7)

switch aPlanet! {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


if let possiblePlanet = Planet(rawValue: 9) {

switch possiblePlanet {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


} else {

print(“There isn’t a planet at position 9”)


// Enum associated values

enum TrainStatus {

case OnTime

case Delayed(Int)


var status:TrainStatus = .Delayed(5)

status = .OnTime

switch status {

case .OnTime:

print(“Train is on time”)

case .Delayed(let minutes):

print(“Train is delayed by \(minutes) minutes”)


// class

class Vehicle {

// stored properties

var numberOfPassengers: Int = 2

var numberOfWheels: Int = 4


// computed properties

var NumberOfWheels: Int {

get { return numberOfWheels }

set { numberOfWheels = newValue }


var description: String {

return “\(numberOfWheels) number of wheels”



class Bicycle: Vehicle {

override init() {


numberOfPassengers = 1

numberOfWheels = 2



class Car: Vehicle {

// stored properties

var minVelocity: Int = 30

var accelVelocity: Int = 10

// computed properties

var speed: Int {

get {

return minVelocity + accelVelocity


set(newVelocity) {

accelVelocity = newVelocity – minVelocity




// struct

struct Frame {

var x: Int, y: Int // stored property

var width: Int, height: Int // stored property

var area: Int { // computed property (don’t need to enclose getter)

return width * height


mutating func addWidth(width: Int) {// method

self.width += width // mutating modifies the value of a stored property



let f = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100) // member-wise initializer

//f.width = 250 // invalid (can’t change the struct properties stored in a let)

var g = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)

g.addWidth(15) // use mutating func to modify the value of a stored property

print(g.width) // 15

let h = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)

//h.addWidth(15) // compile error (can’t call mutating func of struct stored in a let)