
– Draw Circle by GLPrimitiveTypes (Space-Key to change types)
– Draw Quad With Mouse Clicking
– Free-Draw Line With Mouse Dragging
– Rotate Cube With Mouse Horizontal/Vertical Movement
– Select Object With Mouse Clicking (mouse clicking on the empty space to unselect)



Term Project Schedule

Project Team Formation (week3 2023/09/21)

Project Proposal Presentation (week5 2023/10/05)

Project Midterm Presentation (week9 2023/11/2)

Project Progress Report Presentation (week12 2023/11/23)

Project Final Presentation (week15 2023/12/14)

Term Project Group

1. 신유진, 서주민, 최승연, 이은주

2. 임재도, 곽성신, 이지용, 장쯔카이

3. 노윤상, 신수종, 이호연, 유광열

4. 차승빈, 주영운, 이재영, 이철민

5. 김태덕, 서희승, 정동재

6. 이근산, 이창호, 정보경

7. 김준하, 김용원, 정재헌

8. 박건우, 박주양, 황동규, 이동영

9. 정채린, 임민지, 권지원, 권진우

10.  박도훈, 정우진, 박동진, 박태우