XNA4 Primitive Type Enumerations


Member name Description

TriangleList The data is ordered as a sequence of triangles; each triangle is described by three new vertices. Back-face culling is affected by the current winding-order render state.

TriangleStrip The data is ordered as a sequence of triangles; each triangle is described by two new vertices and one vertex from the previous triangle. The back-face culling flag is flipped automatically on even-numbered triangles.

LineList The data is ordered as a sequence of line segments; each line segment is described by two new vertices. The count may be any positive integer.

LineStrip The data is ordered as a sequence of line segments; each line segment is described by one new vertex and the last vertex from the previous line seqment. The count may be any positive integer.


XNA Initialization

1. Visual Studio 2010 Installation & Rebooting
2. DirectX9.0c SDK Installation (directx_jun2010_redist.exe)
– MS DirectX 9.0c SDK (June 2010) 설치
– MS DirectX9 Current Runtime 설치
3. XNA Game Studio 4.0 Installation
4. Create a XNA 4.0 Project & Test