Monthly Archives: October 2010
Group project assignment 3 (Due by 11/1)
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Technical Design Document
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
October 25, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Technical Design Document (10 points)
Each group is going to have to present the design document that includes following:
-Present the title of your Mobile AR game & the 1~2 page summary of your game
(i.e., Genre, Platform, Number of players at the same time, Game rules)
-Show all your software design documents (i.e., Software Architecture/FSMs, Interface Design, Graphics Design, Sound Design)
-Show all the game elements (i.e., Characters/NPCs, Items, Backgrounds/Terrinas, Events, Story, etc)
PS3 Move vs. Wii MotionPlus vs. Xbox Kinect
Baba Yetu
Individual Assignment 3 (due by 10/25)
Fall 2010
Short-Paper Presentation (10 points)
Kyoung Shin Park
October 18, 2010
Individual assignment – “ISMAR2010 2-page poster” Presentation (10 points)
In this assignment you will be responsible for presenting an ISMAR2010 2-page poster paper, due by October 25th, 2010.
-Present your assigned paper in the class on October 25th, 2010 (5-minute presentation & 5-minute discussion)
김그림 – Jinhyuk Choi, Youngsun Kim, Myonghee Lee, Gerard J. Kim, Yanghee Nam, Yongmoo Kwon, k-MART: Authoring Tool for Mixed Reality Contents, ISMAR2010, pp 219-220
김슬기 – Timo Engelke,Sabine Webel,Nirit Gavish, Generating Vision based Lego Augmented Reality Training and Evaluation Systems, ISMAR2010, pp 223-224
김승배 – V. Gay-Bellile, P. Lothe, S. Bourgeois, E. Royer, S. Naudet Collette, Augmented Reality in Large Environments: Application to Aided Navigation in Urban Context, ISMAR2010, pp 225-226
김영환 – Alex Hill, Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, Brian Davidson, Hafez Rouzati, KHARMA: An Open KML/HTML Architecture for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, ISMAR2010, pp 233-234
김재준 – Sungjae Hwang, Hyungeun Jo, Jung-hee Ryu, EXMAR: EXpanded view of Mobile Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 235-236
김지훈 – Ginga Kamei, Takeshi Matsuyama, Ken-ichi Okada, Augmentation of Check in/out Model for Remote Collaboration with Mixed Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 243-244
문지해 – Eray Molla, Vincent Lepetit, Augmented Reality for Board Games ISMAR2010, pp 253-254
민재홍 – Fumio Okura, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya, Augmented Telepresence Using Autopilot Airship and Omni-directional Camera, ISMAR2010, pp 259-260
방용식 – Joonsuk Park, Jun Park, 3DOF Tracking Accuracy Improvement for Outdoor Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 263-264
서기영 – Jun Shingu, Eleanor Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Pernilla Qvarfordt, Kathleen Tuite, Camera Pose Navigation using Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 271-272
유주희 – Mengu Sukan, Steven Feiner, SnapAR: Storing Snapshots for Quick Viewpoint Switching in Hand-Held Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 273-274
이준호 – Dong Wei, Steven Zhiying Zhou, Du Xie, MTMR: A Conceptual Interior Design Framework Integrating Mixed Reality with the Multi-Touch Tabletop Interface, ISMAR2010, pp 279-280
장현철 – Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Kyoko Miyashita, Tomohiro Fukuda, AR-based Visibility Evaluation for Preserving Landscapes of Historical Buildings, ISMAR2010, pp 281-282
Group assignment 2
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Brainstorming
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
October 4, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Brainstorming (no paper limits)
Each group is going to have to give a presentation consisting of the following information:
-Present the name of your group
-Introduce your group members and their roles
-Present your gameplay idea
-Show all your storyboards
게임으로 세상을 어떻게 바꿀수 있을까?