Individual assignment 3

5495501357.zipIndividual assignment 3 – 발표 (10월 22일 – 23일)
Y. Lou, W. Wu, H. Zhang, Magic Input: A Multi-user Interaction System for SAGE Based Large Tiled-display Environment, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops, pp.157-162.

J. Leigh, A. Johnson, L. Renambot, T. Peterka, B. Jeong, D. Sandin, J. Talandis, R. Jagodic, S. Nam, H. Hur, Y. Sun, Scalable Resolution Display Walls, Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 1-15

P.Roman, M. Lazarov, A. Majumder, A Scalable Distributed Paradigm for Multi-User Interaction with Tiled Rear Projection Display Walls, IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(6), pp.1623-1632, 2010

A. Bigdelou, T.Benz, L.Schwarz, N.Navab, Simultaneous Categorical and Spatio-Temporal 3D Gestures Using Kinect, IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2012, pp. 53-60

B.M.Williamson, C.Wingrave, J.J.LaViola, T. Roberts, P. Garrity, Natural Full Body Interaction for Navigation in Dismounted Soldier Training, Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2011

M. N.Kamel Boulos, B.J.Blanchard, C. Walker, J.Montero, A.Tripathy, R.Gutierrez-Osuna, Web GIS in practive X: a Microsoft Kinect natural user interface for Google Earth navigation, International Journal of Health Geographics 2011, 10(45).

L.Gallo, A.P.Placitelli, M. Ciampi, Controller-free exploration of medical image data: experiencing the Kinect, International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2011, pp. 1-6

M. Nancel,J. Wagner, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis, W. Mackay, Mid-air Pan-and-Zoom on Wall-sized Displays, CHI’11, pp. 177-186, 2011

D.Stodle, T-M S. Hagen, J. M.Bjorndalen, O.J.Anshus, Gesture-Based, Touch-Free Multi-User Gaming on Wall-Sized High-Resolution Tiled Displays, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 5(10), 2008

D.Vogel, R.Balankrishnan, Distant Freehand Pointing and Clicking on Very Large, High Reslution Displays, UIST2005, pp.33-42

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