Tag Archives: openal

OSG Sample Applications (Intermediate)

Sound (Object Transformation Using Keyboard Input 에 OpenAL 사용하여 sound를 추가한 예) – osgd.lib osgViewerd.lib osgDBd.lib osgGAd.lib OpenThreadsd.lib osgUtild.lib OpenAL32.lib
Flipbook (여러개 object models을 loading한 후 flipbook animation을 만든 예 using Switch)
Flipbook (여러개 object models을 loading한 후 flipbook animation을 만든 예 using Sequence)
Dynamic Object Placement (object model을 loading한 후 dynamic 하게 object population 하는 예) – osgd.lib osgViewerd.lib osgDBd.lib osgGAd.lib
OSG Sample Applications (Beginner)에서 object_model_data.zip 을 사용할 것.
Catmull Rom PathFollower (object model을 지정한 콘트롤 포인트를 지나가는 catmull rom path follower 예) – osgDBd.lib osgd.lib OpenThreadsd.lib osgGAd.lib osgUtild.lib osgViewerd.lib
Intersect (Object Population on a Terrain) – osgDBd.lib osgd.lib OpenThreadsd.lib osgGAd.lib osgUtild.lib osgViewerd.lib
OSG Sample Applications (Beginner)에서 object_model_data.zip 을 사용할 것.

Intersect (Moving a Truck Object Model on a Terrain) – osgDBd.lib osgd.lib OpenThreadsd.lib osgGAd.lib osgUtild.lib osgViewerd.lib
Particle System

HUD & osgText (Creating Heap-Up Display style text) – osgd.lib osgViewerd.lib osgTextd.lib

OpenAL Getting Started

OpenAL http://www.openal.org/

1. Download OpenAL 1.1 SDK & Installer for Windows and install them

  • OpenAL 1.1 SDK for Windows

  • OpenAL 1.1 Installer for Windows 

    2. Set environment variables

    • Go to Control panel -> System icon -> Advanced tab -> Environment variables
    • Create a new variable called “OAL_ROOT” and set the value “C:\Program Files\OpenAL 1.1 SDK” for Visual Studio .Net 2005

    3. In Visual Studio .Net 2005

    • Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories “$(OAL_ROOT)\include” 추가
    • Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories “$(OAL_ROOT)\libs\Win32” 추가
    • Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies “OpenAL32.lib” 추가