Guide to Reference

ARC is a compile time feature that is Apple’s version of automated memory management. It stands for Automatic Reference Counting. This means that it only frees up memory for objects when there are zero strong references/ to them.

A guide to reference: when to use Strong reference, Weak reference, Unowned reference, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional property

  Optional non-Optional
Optional strong reference &

weak reference

 strong reference &

unowned reference

non-Optional strong reference &

unowned reference

 unowned reference &

implicitly unwrapped optional property


extension String {

func toFloat() -> Float {

if let unwrappedNum = Float(self) {

return unwrappedNum


else {

print(“Error converting \”” + self + “\” to Float”)

return 0.0




// Double to String with Format

var text = String.localizedStringWithFormat(“%.2f”, doubleValue)

// String to Float/Double

var floatValue = text.toFloat()

Term Project1

Design of Portable Multimedia Devices (448460)
– iOS CampusLife AR Application –
Fall 2016
Kyoung Shin Park
October 4, 2016


Term Project

Term Project 1 – 조별 학교생활 AR 어플 제안서

Term Project 2 – 조별 학교생활 AR 어플에 대한 측정요소

Term Project 3 – 조별 학교생활 AR 어플 진행보고서

Term Project 4 – 조별 학교생활 AR 어플 최종보고서


// ConverterType
enum ConverterType : Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case FA_TO_CE = 1
case CE_TO_FA = 2
init(_ name: String) {
switch name {
case “FA_TO_CE”, “1”: self = .FA_TO_CE
case “CE_TO_FA”, “2”: self = .CE_TO_FA
default: self = .CE_TO_FA
var description: String {
switch self {
case .FA_TO_CE: return “FA_TO_CE”
case .CE_TO_FA: return “CE_TO_FA”
static func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator {
var nextIndex = FA_TO_CE.rawValue
return anyGenerator { ConverterType(rawVale: nextIndex++) }


// Converter
protocol Converter : CustomStringConvertible {
var description : String { get }
var type : ConverterType { get }
var fahrenheit : Double { get }
var celsius : Double { get }

// FahrenheitToCelsius
class FahrenheitToCelsius : Converter {
var temperature = 0.0

convenience init() {
self.init(temperature: 0.0)

init(temperature: Double) {
self.temperature = temperature

var description : String {
return “Converter=\(type.description) F=\(fahrenheit) => C=\(celsius)”
var type : ConverterType {
return ConverterType.FA_TO_CE

var fahrenheit : Double {
return self.temperature

var celsius : Double {
return (temperature – 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)

// CelsiusToFahrenheit
class CelsiusToFahrenheit : Converter {
var temperature = 0.0

convenience init() {
self.init(temperature: 0.0)

init(temperature: Double) {
self.temperature = temperature

var description : String {
return “Converter=\(type.description) C=\(celsius) => F=\(fahrenheit)”
var type : ConverterType {
return ConverterType.CE_TO_FA

var fahrenheit : Double {
return ((9.0/5.0) * temperature + 32.0)

var celsius : Double {
return self.temperature

// TemperatureConverter
class TemperatureConverter {

func getUserInputDouble() -> Double {
var value : Double
while true {
if let inputSeting = readLine() {
if let inputNumber = Double(inputString) {
value = inputNumber
return value
else {
print(“Error! Please re-enter Double value”)

func convert(mode: ConverterType) {
if (mode == ConverterType.FA_TO_CE) {
print(“Please enter temperature (F) : “)
let converter = FahrenheitToCelsius(temperature: getUserInputDouble())
else if (mode == ConverterType.CE_TO_FA) {
print(“Please enter temperature (C) : “)
let converter = CelsiusToFahrenheit(temperature: getUserInputDouble())

func getUserInputConverterType() -> ConverterType {
var i = 0
let g = ConvertType.FA_TO_CE
repeat {
print(“Please select converter type (1 or 2):”)
if let inputString = readLine() {
if let inputNumber = Int(inputString) {
i = inputNumber
if let c = ConverterType(rawValue: i) {
return c
} while i < 1 || i > 2
return g

func calculateAll() {
for i in 1…2 {
convert(ConverterType(rawValue: i)!)

for c in ConverterType.enumerate() {

var convertList = [Converter]()
convertList.append(FahrenheitToCelsius(temperature: 75.5))
convertList.append(CelsiusToFahrenheit(temperature: 25.5))
for c in convertList {


Individual Assignment 2

– “LBS-based Mobile Augmented Reality” survey

Fall 2016

Kyoung Shin Park

September 20, 2016


Individual assignment – “LBS-based Mobile Augmented Reality” survey report (10 points)


With the advances in mobile devices and technologies that combine the real world with virtual information, augmented reality applications are as near to hand as any other application on a smart phone. Mobile AR application allows users to get experience interacting with virtual people/objects in the physical world using their mobile devices.

The goal of this assignment is for you to learn the key design aspect of augmented reality applications/games on a mobile phone, and think about how to design if you would create your own Mobile AR application.

In this assignment, you are to research 2~3 subjects of your interest on Mobile Augmented Reality Applications from the web sites given below and then summit the report (3-page) on Mobile AR technology survey, due by Sep 27th, 2016.




Layar, worlds first mobile augmented reality browser on mobile



Wikitude AR Travel Guide


Metaio Augmented Vision


Nearest Tube Augmented Reality App for iPhone 3GS from acrossair



Sekai Camera


iBufferfly = AR + GIS + Motion Sensor + Coupon

Twitter Feed on an Augmented Reality Building

CES: Battling AR helicopter controlled by iPhone


AR! Pirates – Augmented Reality Mobile Game



ARhrrrr – An Augmented Reality Shooter



ARIS Mobile Media Learning Games



Kweekies – mobile augmented reality game by int13 (IMGAwards demo)



Mobile AR Cooking Game “PAN MASTER”



Mobile AR Networking Game “AR FIGHTER”



Tagdis: The Virtual graffiti game you play in the real world



Art of Defense: a Mobile AR Game with Sketch-Based Interaction and Dynamic Multi-Marker Building Techniques



Mirror Worlds


//: Playground – noun: a place where people can play

// DataStructure (function, optional, enum, class, inheritance, struct)

// Kyoung Shin Park (2016 Fall)

import Cocoa

// function

func sayHello(personName: String = “World”) -> String {

let greeting = “Hello, ” + personName + “!”

return greeting


var delegate = sayHello()




// Optional & Forced unwrapping & Optional binding

let planets = [“Mercury”:1, “Venus”:2, “Earth”:3] // assign dictionary

let planetID: Int? = planets[“Earth”]

if planetID != nil { // check if planetID is nil to prevent run-time error

print(“Earth = \(planetID!)”) // Forced unwrapping (using !) Earth = 3

} else {

print(“Earth is not found”)


// Optional binding (unwrapping an optional)

if let planetID = planets[“Earth”] { // return true if planetID has valid value

print(“Earth = \(planetID)”)       // Earth = 3


// ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional

var w: Int! = 1 // same as var w: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int> = 1

print(w) // you don’t need to put !

var z: Int! // same as var z: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int> = nil

//print(z) // RUN-TIME ERROR (because z is nil)

w = nil // OK

//print(w) // RUN-TIME ERROR (because w is nil) while unwrapping

// Nil coalescing operator

let defaultColorName = “Red”

var userDefinedColorName: String? // set to nil

// colorNameToUse = “Red” (because userDefinedColorName = nil)

var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName

// if planets[“Earth”] = nil then it will return the default value 0)

var ID : Int? = planets[“Earth”] ?? 0 // var earthID: Int? = 3

// Optional chaining

class Person {

var contact: Contact? // automatically set to nil


class Contact {

var address: String? // automatically set to nil

var telephone: String? // automatically set to nil


let p = Person()

//var phone =!.telephone! // run-time error(because contact=nil)

if let contact = { // optional binding to read optional property

if let phone = contact.telephone {


} else {

print(“phone is nil”)


} else {

print(“contact is nil”)


// optional chaining

var phone = // phone=nil (because contact=nil)


// use optional chaining & optional binding together = Contact() = “12345”

if let phone = {



// Enumeration

enum Gender {

case Female

case Male

init() { // initialization

self = .Female


init(_ name: String)


switch name {

case “Female”, “여자”: self = .Female

case “Male”, “남자”: self = .Male

default: self = .Female



var description: String {

switch self {

case .Female: return “FEMALE~”

case .Male: return “MALE~”




var gender = Gender()


gender = Gender(“남자”)


gender = Gender.Female

gender = .Male


switch gender {

case .Female: print(“FEMALE!!”)

case .Male: print(“MALE!!”)


// Enum, multiple member values can appear on a single line, separated by commas

// Enum rawValue

enum Planet: Int {

case Mercury=1, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


let earthID = Planet.Earth.rawValue

let somePlanet = Planet.Earth

switch somePlanet {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


let aPlanet = Planet(rawValue: 7)

switch aPlanet! {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


if let possiblePlanet = Planet(rawValue: 9) {

switch possiblePlanet {

case .Earth:

print(“Mostly harmless”)


print(“Not a safe place for humans”)


} else {

print(“There isn’t a planet at position 9”)


// Enum associated values

enum TrainStatus {

case OnTime

case Delayed(Int)


var status:TrainStatus = .Delayed(5)

status = .OnTime

switch status {

case .OnTime:

print(“Train is on time”)

case .Delayed(let minutes):

print(“Train is delayed by \(minutes) minutes”)


// class

class Vehicle {

// stored properties

var numberOfPassengers: Int = 2

var numberOfWheels: Int = 4


// computed properties

var NumberOfWheels: Int {

get { return numberOfWheels }

set { numberOfWheels = newValue }


var description: String {

return “\(numberOfWheels) number of wheels”



class Bicycle: Vehicle {

override init() {


numberOfPassengers = 1

numberOfWheels = 2



class Car: Vehicle {

// stored properties

var minVelocity: Int = 30

var accelVelocity: Int = 10

// computed properties

var speed: Int {

get {

return minVelocity + accelVelocity


set(newVelocity) {

accelVelocity = newVelocity – minVelocity




// struct

struct Frame {

var x: Int, y: Int // stored property

var width: Int, height: Int // stored property

var area: Int { // computed property (don’t need to enclose getter)

return width * height


mutating func addWidth(width: Int) {// method

self.width += width // mutating modifies the value of a stored property



let f = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100) // member-wise initializer

//f.width = 250 // invalid (can’t change the struct properties stored in a let)

var g = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)

g.addWidth(15) // use mutating func to modify the value of a stored property

print(g.width) // 15

let h = Frame(x: 5, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)

//h.addWidth(15) // compile error (can’t call mutating func of struct stored in a let)