Paper Presentation Schedule
9/16 – Bring 3~4 VR/AR articles, Project Topic
김대한 – iPad ARKit 환경문제(예상시나리오? 라면찌거기 – 물고기를 넣고, 물고기가 살려면 얼마나 깨끗한 물이 필요한지를 표현) APP
김희주 – Unity3D Android, 지구온난화, 대기오염, 멸종위기 문제교육을 위한, Pedometer 센서를 사용하여 걷기를 많이 할 수록, 멸종위기 종 동물들이 증가하거나 나무가 화면에 더 나타나는 VR APP
서상우 – Unity3D Android, 아이들에게 해양오염, 플라스틱 오염에 대한 문제를 교육하도록, 분리수거 VR/AR APP
오준오 – 해양오염(어떤 데이터?) 3D 가시화 Oculus Rift VR APP
이성현 – 일상 생활에서의 안전교육 같은 VR APP
9/23 – Project Proposal
서상우 – 아이들에게 해양오염, 플라스틱 오염에 대한 문제를 교육하도록, 쓰레기 분리수거 VR/AR Game APP
김희주 – VR Pedometer, 지구온난화, 대기오염, 멸종위기 문제교육을 위한, Pedometer 센서를 사용하여 걷기를 많이 할 수록, 멸종위기 종 동물들이 증가하거나 나무가 화면에 더 나타나는 VR APP (Unity Android Google Cardboard + Pedometer API/Google Fit API)
오준오 – Plastic Preys, 해양오염(쓰레기, 폐기물) iPad swift + ARKit AR APP (일상생활에 있는 물체를 인식하고, 실제상황은 바다로 표현하고 그 위에 그 물체를 증강해서 보여주는 APP)
이성현 – 코로나19로 배달음식 수요증가로 인하여 일회용품 쓰레기가 엄청 늘어남. 분리수거가 안된 재활용쓰레기 문제 심각함. 생활속 분리수거 Unity3D Samsung Gear VR APP
김대한 – iPad ARKit + Realitykit (Virtual Object 렌더링 및 물리엔진 프레임워크) + swift + Reality Composer + USDZ file 환경문제(지구온난화에 따라 해수면 상승을 시각적으로 보여주는 지구본 – 온도를 컨트롤함에 따라 해수면 상승과 육지가 잠기는 모습을 보여줌) APP
서상우 – Xia Zeng, Xinzhu Sang, Duo Chen, Peng Wang, Nan Guo, Binbin Yan, Kuiru Wang, An interactive VR system based on full-body tracking and gesture recognition, In Proc. of SPIE, 2016
김희주 – Min, D. H., Lee, D. Y., Cho, Y. H., & Lee, I. K., Shaking Hands in Virtual Space: Recovery in Redirected Walking for Direct Interaction between Two Users. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 164-173).
9/30 (추석) – No Class
10/7 – 오준오, 이성현
오준오 – Z. Hu, S. Li, C. Zhang, K. Yi, G. Wang and D. Manocha, “DGaze: CNN-Based Gaze Prediction in Dynamic Scenes,” in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1902-1911, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.2973473
이성현 – C. Anthes, R. J. García-Hernández, M. Wiedemann and D. Kranzlmüller, “State of the art of virtual reality technology,” 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 2016, pp. 1-19
10/14 – Midterm Presentation
10/21 – Project Midterm Presentation
10/28 – 오준오, 서상우
서상우 – Yang L1, Jin HUANG, Fang TlAN, Hong-An WANG, Guo-Zhong DAI “Gesture interaction in virtual reality” Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, Volume 1 , Issue 1 : 84-112(2019)
오준오 – R. R. Strauss, R. Ramanujan, A. Becker and T. C. Peck, “A Steering Algorithm for Redirected Walking Using Reinforcement Learning,” in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1955-1963, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.2973060.
11/4 – 김희주
김희주 – Hobson, T., Duncan, J., Raji, M., Lu, A., & Huang, J. “Alpaca: AR Graphics Extensions for Web Applications.” In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 174-183). IEEE.
11/11 – Project Progress Report Presentation & 이성현
이성현 – D. A. Bowman and R. P. McMahan, “Virtual Reality: How Much Immersion Is Enough?,” in Computer, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 36-43, July 2007, doi: 10.1109/MC.2007.257.
11/18 – 김대한, 서상우
김대한 – Lisa Berkemeier, “Engineering of Augmented Reality-Based Information Systems Design and Implementation for Intralogistics Services”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(1):67-89, 2019
서상우 – Pulkit Khandelwal, P.Swarnalath Dr., Neha Bisht, S.Prabu, “Detection of Features to Track Objects and Segmentation Using GrabCut for Application in Marker-less Augmented Reality” Procedia Computer Science Volume 58, 2015, Pages 698-705
11/25 – 이성현
이성현 – M. S. Elbamby, C. Perfecto, M. Bennis and K. Doppler, “Toward Low-Latency and Ultra-Reliable Virtual Reality,” in IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 78-84, March-April 2018, doi: 10.1109/MNET.2018.1700268.
12/2 – 김대한, 김희주
김대한 – Hemal Naik, Member, Student, Renaud Bastien, Nassir Navab, Member, IEEE, and Iain D Couzin, “Animals in Virtual Environments”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, VOL. 26, NO. 5, MAY 2020
김희주 – Cao, A., Wang, L., Liu, Y., & Popescu, V. (2020, March). Feature Guided Path Redirection for VR Navigation. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 137-145). IEEE.
12/9 – 김대한, 오준오 & Project Final Presentation
김대한 – D. Jeong, S. Yoo, J. Yun, Cybersickness Analysis with EEG Using Deep Learning Algorithms, In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 827-835
오준오 – Zhengxia Zou, Castle in the Sky: Dynamic Sky Replacement and Harmonization in Videos
1. 본인이 관심갖는 가상현실 분야 논문(8-page이상) 3~4편 찾아오기 (Due by 9/16)
2. Term Project Topic 선정해오기 – YouTube, 논문 등등 (Due by 9/16)
Ocean Acidification
The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experience
EcoLearn Project
The EcoMOD project aims to broaden participation in STEM and computing in elementary school through engaging tools for learning science by building computational models. EcoMOD is a 3rd grade curriculum that blends an immersive 3D virtual ecosystem and a 2D computational modeling environment to support learning both ecosystem science concepts and computational modeling.
Term Project
Topics: AR/VR for Environmental Science Education
Project topic (9/16)
Project proposal (9/23)
Project midterm presentation (10/14)
Project progress report presentation (11/11)
Project final presentation (12/9)