Instance vs Static Method Overriding


/// Person
class Person {
    private static int count = 0; // static (class) field
    protected String name; // instance field
    protected int age; // instance field

    public Person() {
        //System.out.println("Person Constructor"); // this("", 0); error: call to this must be first statemenht in constructor
        this("", 0);

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public static void printCount() { // static (class) method
        System.out.println("Person Count: " + count);

    public static int getCount() {  // static (class) method
        return count; 

    public String toString() { // Object.toString() overriding
        return "Person Name: " + name + " Age: " + age;

    public void print() { // instance method
        System.out.println("Person Name: " + name + " Age: " + age);

/// Student
class Student extends Person {
    private static int scount = 0; // static (class) variables
    protected int id;

    public Student() {
        this("", 0, 5208);

    public Student(String name, int age, int id) {
        super(name, age); = id;

    public static void printCount() { // static (class) method overriding
        System.out.println("Student Count: " + scount);

    public String toString() { // Object.toString() overriding
        return "Student Name: " + name + " Age: " + age + " ID: " + id;

    public void print() { // Person.print() method overriding
        System.out.println("Student Name: " + name + " Age: " + age + " ID: " + id);

class PersonStudentTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person p1 = new Student("K", 20, 2018); // upcasting 1번째 Student 객체 생성
        p1.print(); // dynamic binding Student Name: K Age: 20 ID: 2018 = "JAVA";
        p1.age = 1;
        // = 2017; // cannnot call id because p1 is Person type
        System.out.println(p1); // dynamic binding p1.toString() Student Name: JAVA Age: 1 ID: 1208
        p1.printCount(); // p1 is Person, Person.printCount() Person.count=1
        Person.printCount(); // Person.printCount() Person.count=1
        Student.printCount(); // Student.printCount() Student.scount=1

        Student s1 = (Student)p1; // downcasting = "JAVA2"; 
        s1.age = 2; = 2017; // can call id, because s1 is Student type
        s1.print(); // Student Name: JAVA2 Age: 2 ID: 2017
        s1.printCount(); // s1 is Student, Student.printCount() scount=1
        Person.printCount(); // Person.printCount() count=1
        Student.printCount(); // Student.printCount() scount=1

        Student s2 = new Student("S", 30, 1207); // 2번째 Student 객체 생성
        s2.print(); // Student Name: S Age: 30 ID: 1217
        s2.printCount(); // s2 is Student, Student.printCount() scount=2
        Person.printCount(); // Person.printCount() count=2
        Student.printCount(); // Student.printCount() count=2

        Person p2 = new Person("Park", 1); // 1번째 Person 객체 생성
        System.out.println(p2); // Person Name: Park Age: 1
        p2.printCount(); // p2 is Person, Person.printCount() count=3
        Person.printCount(); // Person.printCount() count=3
        Student.printCount(); // Student.printCount() scount=2

        Person p3 = new Person(); // 2번째 Person 객체 생성
        System.out.println(p3); // Person Name: Age: 0
        p3.printCount(); // p3 is Person, Person.printCount() count=4
        Person.printCount(); // Person.printCount() count=4
        Student.printCount(); // Student.printCount() scount=2

        System.out.println("Number of Person: " + Person.getCount()); // Person.getCount() count=4