Lab7 find

// find photo by fullPath and highlight it
public void find() {
	System.out.println("Find image");
	String[] options = photoManager.getPhotoFullPaths(); // get photoList's fullPaths (as String[])
	if (options == null) return; // if photoManager has no photo, then return here
	String fullPath = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Find the image:", "Find", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
	if (fullPath != null) {
		Photo found = photoManager.find(fullPath); // find photo by fullPath
		if (found == null) return; // if photo is not found, then return here
		// find ImageLabel component that has the same fullPath. If found, then highlight its border to red
		Component[] componentList = photoPanel.getComponents();
		for (Component c: componentList) {
			if (c instanceof ImageLabel) 
		for(Component c : componentList) {
			if (c instanceof ImageLabel) {
				if (((ImageLabel)c).getFullPath() == fullPath) { // find ImageLabel component that has the same fullPath
					Border border = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.RED, 3); // highlight its border to red