gimbal lock
Euler vs Quaternion
How to Rotate in Unity
Euler Rotation in Unity
// Create a Ra matrix Euler(30, 60, 45)
Matrix4x4 ra = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(30, 60, 45));
// Create a Rb matrix rz -> rx -> ry
Matrix4x4 rz = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 45));
Matrix4x4 rx = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(30, 0, 0));
Matrix4x4 ry = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(0, 60, 0));
Matrix4x4 rb = ry * rx * rz; // Z → X → Y
// ra == rb
// Create a Rc matrix ry -> rx -> rz
Matrix4x4 rc = rz * rx * ry; // Y → X → Z
// rb != rc
Rotate a point about an arbitrary axis
Rotate a point about an arbitrary axis (3 dimensions)
Written by Paul Bourke
Rotate a point p by angle around an arbitrary line segment p1-p2
Return the rotated point.
Positive angles are anticlockwise looking down the axis
towards the origin. Assume right hand coordinate system.
public static Vector3 ArbitraryRotate(Vector3 p, float angle, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2)
Vector3 u, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7;
float d;
// (1) translate space so that the rotation axis passes through the origin
q1 = p – p1;
// (2) rotate space about the x axis so that the rotation axis lies in the xz plane
u = p2 – p1; // rotation-axis vector
u = Vector3.Normalize(u);
d = Mathf.Sqrt(u.y*u.y + u.z*u.z);
if (d != 0) {
q2.x = q1.x;
q2.y = q1.y * u.z / d – q1.z * u.y / d;
q2.z = q1.y * u.y / d + q1.z * u.z / d;
} else {
q2 = q1;
// (3) rotate space about the y axis so that the rotation axis lies along the z axis
q3.x = q2.x * d – q2.z * u.x;
q3.y = q2.y;
q3.z = q2.x * u.x + q2.z * d;
// (4) perform the desired rotation by theta about the z axis
float theta = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle;
q4.x = q3.x * Mathf.Cos(theta) – q3.y * Mathf.Sin(theta);
q4.y = q3.x * Mathf.Sin(theta) + q3.y * Mathf.Cos(theta);
q4.z = q3.z;
// (5) apply the inverse of step (3)
q5.x = q4.x * d + q4.z * u.x;
q5.y = q4.y;
q5.z = -q4.x * u.x + q4.z * d;
// (6) apply the inverse of step (2)
if (d != 0) {
q6.x = q5.x;
q6.y = q5.y * u.z / d + q5.z * u.y / d;
q6.z = -q5.y * u.y / d + q5.z * u.z / d;
} else {
q6 = q5;
// (7) apply the inverse of step (1)
q7 = q6 + p1;
return q7;
Rotate a point p by angle around an arbitrary axis
Return the rotated point.
Positive angles are anticlockwise looking down the axis
towards the origin. Assume right hand coordinate system.
public static Vector3 ArbitraryRotate(Vector3 p, float angle, Vector3 axis)
Vector3 q = Vector3.zero;
float costheta, sintheta;
float theta = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle;
axis = Vector3.Normalize(axis);
costheta = Mathf.Cos(theta);
sintheta = Mathf.Sin(theta);
q.x += (costheta + (1 – costheta) * axis.x * axis.x) * p.x;
q.x += ((1 – costheta) * axis.x * axis.y – axis.z * sintheta) * p.y;
q.x += ((1 – costheta) * axis.x * axis.z + axis.y * sintheta) * p.z;
q.y += ((1 – costheta) * axis.x * axis.y + axis.z * sintheta) * p.x;
q.y += (costheta + (1 – costheta) * axis.y * axis.y) * p.y;
q.y += ((1 – costheta) * axis.y * axis.z – axis.x * sintheta) * p.z;
q.z += ((1 – costheta) * axis.x * axis.z – axis.y * sintheta) * p.x;
q.z += ((1 – costheta) * axis.y * axis.z + axis.x * sintheta) * p.y;
q.z += (costheta + (1 – costheta) * axis.z * axis.z) * p.z;
return q;
Composing Transformation
// white cube at origin
cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
cube.GetComponent().material.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
cube.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
// translation, rotation, scale
Vector3 translation = new Vector3(1.5, 0, 0);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 45);
Vector3 scale = new Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
// white cube with S->R->T
cube.transform.localScale = scale;
cube.transform.rotation = rotation;
cube.transform.position = translation;
Matrix4x4 matrix = cube.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Debug.Log(“cube.transform.localToWorldMatrix=\n” + matrix);
// Create a composing transformation Scale -> Rotation -> Translation
Matrix4x4 m1 = Matrix4x4.TRS(translation, rotation, scale);
// Create a composing transformation Scale -> Rotation -> Translation
Matrix4x4 m2 = Matrix4x4.Translate(translation) *
Matrix4x4.Rotate(rotation) * Matrix4x4.Scale(scale); // Scale -> Rotation -> Translation
if (m1 == m2) Debug.Log(“m1 == m2”);
if (m1 == matrix) Debug.Log(“m1 == matrix”);
// Create a composing transformation Translation -> Rotation ->Scale
Matrix4x4 m3 = Matrix4x4.Scale(scale) *
Matrix4x4.Rotate(rotation) * Matrix4x4.Translate(translation);
if (m1 != m3) Debug.Log(“m1 != m3”);
Unity Transformation
transform.position = new Vector3 (10, 0, 0); // 현재 transform 컴포넌트의 position 값을 위치 (10, 0, 0)로 이동한다
transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (10, 0, 0); // 부모 position의 상대적인 위치로 (10, 0, 0) 이동한다
transform.Translate (10, 0, 0); // 현재 position에서 (10, 0, 0) 만큼 이동한다.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (new Vector3 (10, 0, 0)); // 현재 transform 컴포넌트의 rotation 값을 오일러각 (10, 0, 0) 로 회전한다.
transform.Rotate (10, 0, 0); // 현재 rotation에서 (10, 0, 0)만큼 회전한다.
transform.localScale = new Vector3 (10, 10, 10); // transform 컴포넌트의 scale 값을 (10, 10, 10) 으로 크기변환한다.
Unity Matrix (Column-Major Order)
Vector3 Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Matrix4x4 Model = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f));
// Debug.Log(Model);
// (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
// (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0)
// (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0)
// (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Vector3 Transformed = Model.MultiplyPoint3x4(Position); // P’ (1, 2, 3) (Unity Matrix uses Column-Major Order)