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Category Archives: Project
final term project
Final term project presentation and report (on 2010/12/06)6463929207.hwp
Group project assignment 4 (Due by 11/22)
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” HCI Design
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
November 15, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” HCI Design (10 points)
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of interaction between users and computers. Interaction between users and computers occurs at the user interface, which includes both software and hardware; characters or objects displayed, input received from users via hardware peripherals, etc.
1. Summarize the article, “Human-Computer Interaction for Development: The Past, Present, and Future”, M. Ho, T., Smyth. M. Kam, A. Dearden, 2009.
2. Each group is going to improve the UI design document for your “Mobile AR Game”:
-Present 5-minutes long final game scenario for your Mobile AR game
-In particular, present the user interface design for your Mobile AR game in HCI perspectives.
o method and process for designing interfaces
o method for implementing interfaces (e.g. software toolkits/libraries)
o techniques for evaluating and comparing interfaces
o developing new interfaces and interaction techniques
Group project assignment 3 (Due by 11/1)
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Technical Design Document
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
October 25, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Technical Design Document (10 points)
Each group is going to have to present the design document that includes following:
-Present the title of your Mobile AR game & the 1~2 page summary of your game
(i.e., Genre, Platform, Number of players at the same time, Game rules)
-Show all your software design documents (i.e., Software Architecture/FSMs, Interface Design, Graphics Design, Sound Design)
-Show all the game elements (i.e., Characters/NPCs, Items, Backgrounds/Terrinas, Events, Story, etc)
Individual Assignment 3 (due by 10/25)
Fall 2010
Short-Paper Presentation (10 points)
Kyoung Shin Park
October 18, 2010
Individual assignment – “ISMAR2010 2-page poster” Presentation (10 points)
In this assignment you will be responsible for presenting an ISMAR2010 2-page poster paper, due by October 25th, 2010.
-Present your assigned paper in the class on October 25th, 2010 (5-minute presentation & 5-minute discussion)
김그림 – Jinhyuk Choi, Youngsun Kim, Myonghee Lee, Gerard J. Kim, Yanghee Nam, Yongmoo Kwon, k-MART: Authoring Tool for Mixed Reality Contents, ISMAR2010, pp 219-220
김슬기 – Timo Engelke,Sabine Webel,Nirit Gavish, Generating Vision based Lego Augmented Reality Training and Evaluation Systems, ISMAR2010, pp 223-224
김승배 – V. Gay-Bellile, P. Lothe, S. Bourgeois, E. Royer, S. Naudet Collette, Augmented Reality in Large Environments: Application to Aided Navigation in Urban Context, ISMAR2010, pp 225-226
김영환 – Alex Hill, Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, Brian Davidson, Hafez Rouzati, KHARMA: An Open KML/HTML Architecture for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, ISMAR2010, pp 233-234
김재준 – Sungjae Hwang, Hyungeun Jo, Jung-hee Ryu, EXMAR: EXpanded view of Mobile Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 235-236
김지훈 – Ginga Kamei, Takeshi Matsuyama, Ken-ichi Okada, Augmentation of Check in/out Model for Remote Collaboration with Mixed Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 243-244
문지해 – Eray Molla, Vincent Lepetit, Augmented Reality for Board Games ISMAR2010, pp 253-254
민재홍 – Fumio Okura, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya, Augmented Telepresence Using Autopilot Airship and Omni-directional Camera, ISMAR2010, pp 259-260
방용식 – Joonsuk Park, Jun Park, 3DOF Tracking Accuracy Improvement for Outdoor Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 263-264
서기영 – Jun Shingu, Eleanor Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Pernilla Qvarfordt, Kathleen Tuite, Camera Pose Navigation using Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 271-272
유주희 – Mengu Sukan, Steven Feiner, SnapAR: Storing Snapshots for Quick Viewpoint Switching in Hand-Held Augmented Reality, ISMAR2010, pp 273-274
이준호 – Dong Wei, Steven Zhiying Zhou, Du Xie, MTMR: A Conceptual Interior Design Framework Integrating Mixed Reality with the Multi-Touch Tabletop Interface, ISMAR2010, pp 279-280
장현철 – Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Kyoko Miyashita, Tomohiro Fukuda, AR-based Visibility Evaluation for Preserving Landscapes of Historical Buildings, ISMAR2010, pp 281-282
Group assignment 2
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Brainstorming
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
October 4, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Brainstorming (no paper limits)
Each group is going to have to give a presentation consisting of the following information:
-Present the name of your group
-Introduce your group members and their roles
-Present your gameplay idea
-Show all your storyboards
Group assignment 1
Game Production Design (305900)
– “Mobile AR Game” Modification
Fall 2010
Kyoung Shin Park
September 27, 2010
Group term project assignment – “Mobile AR Game” Modification
The goal of this group term project assignment is to experiment with the possibilities in Mobile AR game modification, and to understand the process of designing game rules, as separate from creating game “assets” or technology.
Your modified game is expected to be completed and playable, and it should be in some way dedicated to new and engaging gameplay.
First, your modification game will be built on one of the Mobile AR games you surveyed (e.g. Layar, Wikitude, Nearest Tube, Sekai Camera, AR! Pirates, ARhrr, ARIS, etc) or traditional game to be modified so that it benefits from Mobile AR service.
Summit the report (3~5 page) & present the modification in class on Oct 4th, 2010.
-New results must be devised – they can be completely new, or substantial changes to the existing rules.
-The modification must make use of the existing game “assets” – e.g., iphone, items, etc.
-Not all the game parts need to be used.
-Slight introduction of new materials (e.g. more items, different items).
-Using other kinds of mobile devices to supplement the game.
-The rules must be clear and complete, so that a stranger will be able to take them as is and play your new game (include the target audience, number of players, and an estimate of the playing time)
-Notes on game focus, development and playtesting – any issues that were revealed during playtesting; in particular, think about “is the game balanced? is it fun?”