프로젝트 패키징(실험 프로그램 소스와 실행파일과 데이터) 및 최종발표자료를 2010년 6월 14일(월)까지 ftp에 업로드하길 바랍니다.
Category Archives: Projects
3dconnexion SpaceExplorer & SpaceNavigator
Finger mouse
Loop Pointer In-Air Mouse
Soap: how to make a mouse work in mid air
reading summary report due by 4/19
1-page (single-line, 10 point font) summary report of an article
“G.Favalora, Volumetric 3D Displays and Application Infrastructure, IEEE Computer 2005” due by April 19th.
Compare and Contrast volumetric display with other 3D displays, and freely explore research issues on volumetric display 3DUI. 1095831309.pdf
Large Display UIs Survey due by 4/12
Large Display UIs Survey due by 4/12
10-minute presentation (per group)
-survey on at least 10~20 papers
project group
project group
1. 방지웅, 조휘준, 최종혁
2. 조흥목, 박범준, 김선용, 공영식
3. 박정서, 최원석, 원진철, 김기연
4. 윤광열, 김규억, 김성철
5. 최희경, 김남수, 이진홍
reading summary report due by March 22nd
1-page (single-line, 10 point font) summary report of an article
“M. Czerwinski, G. Robertson, B. Meyers, G. Smith, D. Robbins, D. Tan, Large Display Research Overview, CHI2006” due by 3/22.
Project Management 101
Randy Pausch’s Tips for working successfully in a group