Term Project

Term Project 1 – 각 조별 QS 어플 제안서

Term Project 2 – 각 조별 QS 어플에 대한 측정요소

Term Project 3 – 각 조별 QS 어플에 Progress Report

Term Project 4 – 각 조별 QS 어플에 Final Presentation & Report

Final Term Project

김명한/송지혜 – 금연어플 – 처음화면->메인화면(슬립모드->쉐이크(분당 3회이상했을시) 체크->흡연을 하는구나 하고 생체인식(정상/경고 총 5개모드)->경고문구가 뜸)

김민정/문백산 – 마이론 – 최종 게임화면(펀치강도에 따른 게이지 애니메이션나 스프라이트 움직임 등으로 점수)을 구성 

박재한/최한아 – 음주측정기 – 화면구성 완료 -> 한달먹은 음주량& 알콜농도 측정 (시간되면 그래프까지)

홍석이/문경원 – 물마시는 화면, 달력, 프로필 몇개 만들어서 같이 연동

Term Project

12/7  아이폰/아이패드에 넣어오기

Myrone – 현재 화면구성 했음. 마이론으로 부터 근전도 센서값을 받아서 보여주고 세기값을 저장하고 볼 수 있는 기능 구현.

음주측정기(가제) – UI 구성하고, 혈중 알콜 농도 계산기, 달력구현.

WaterSeven – 레이아웃 전체적으로 완성, 물마시는 화면 구현 50%, 프로필과 연동하여 계산하기

StopSmoking – 기본 메인 UI 작성 및 생체신호 파일(4~5) 작성 및 리딩까지



Term Project1

Design of Portable Multimedia Devices (448460)

– iOS Quantified Self Movement Application –

Fall 2015

Kyoung Shin Park

October 5, 2015


Development of iOS Quantified Self Movement Application (40%)


  • Projects can be done as groups of 1- or 2-students.

-Students are encouraged to work on a project related to your own area of interest (idea brainstorming, related work survey)


  • Term Project Proposal Report & Presentation (10/12)

-Proposal Presentation (10 minutes) & 2~3 page Report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes project group name, project conceptual design, brainstroming, design document, development plan, member roles, etc.


  • Term Project Midterm Progress Report & Presentation (11/2)

-Midterm Progress Presentation (10~15 minutes presentation & 5 minutes Q&A) and 2~3-page Report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes application contents, development method, system architecture, detailed module specification, member roles, main functions, user interface, etc.

-Submit the TermProject-Midterm-GroupName.ppt & .doc onto online.dankook.ac.kr


  • Term Project Implementation
  • Term Project Progress Report

-Your group project blog will also help monitor your steady progress across the semester


  • Term Project Final Report & Presentation (12/15)

-Final Presentation (20~30 minutes presentation & 10 minutes) & 10-page

report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes application contents, execution method, system architecture, implementation details (source code), user interface design and usability evaluation, term project critique, group members evaluation, etc.

-Submit the TermProject-Final-GroupName.ppt & .doc onto online.dankook.ac.kr


  • The final project demonstration will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


-GUI design (graphics)


-Online help, configuration, etc

HW 2

“iOS application” survey

Fall 2015
Kyoung Shin Park
September 21, 2015

Individual assignment – “iOS Quantified Self Movement application” survey report (10 points 3 page)

The goal of this assignment is for you to learn the key design aspect of iPhone/iPad applications , and think about how to design if you would create your own iOS  application.

In this assignment, you are to research 2~3 subjects of your interest on mobile applications from the web sites given below (or other sites) and then summit the report (3-page) on “iOS Quantified Self Movement Application”, due by Oct 5th, 2015.


Quantified Self http://quantifiedself.com/guide/

Fitbit (Fitbit is a small device to track your physical activity or sleep. You can wear the device all day because it easily clips in your pocket, pants, shirt, bra, or to your wrist when you are sleeping.) http://fitbit.com/

Moodpanda (MoodPanda.com is a mood tracking website and iphone app. Tracking is very simple: you rate your happiness on a 0-10 scale, and optionally add a brief twitter-like comment on what’s influencing your mood.)   http://moodpanda.com

Digifit (The Digifit ecosystem is a full suite of Apple apps that records heart rate, pace, speed, cadence, and power of your running, cycling and other athletic endeavors.) http://digifit.com/

Momento (Momento is an iPhone journal writing app. It allows you to make entries using text or photos and allows you to tag them with people from your address book, and locations from the GPS as well as category tags.)http://www.momentoapp.com

Foresquare (Foursquare is a service that helps you keep track of the places that you visit.) https://foursquare.com/