Individual Assignment (Midterm Presentation on 10/19)

문백산 – Melanie Swan, Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Wearable Computing, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2.0 http://www.mdpi.com/2224-2708/1/3/217/htm

박재한 –  J Clawson, JA Pater, AD Miller, ED Mynatt, Lena Mamykina, No Longer Wearing: Investigating the Abandonment of
Personal Health-Tracking Technologies on Craigslist, UBICOMP’15 http://www.andrewmiller.net/pdf/2015_Clawson.pdf

홍석이 – Teng Han, Xiang Xiao, Lanfei Shi, John Canny, Jingtao Wang, Balancing Accuracy and Fun: Designing Camera Based Mobile Games for Implicit Heart Rate Monitoring, CHI’15 http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~jingtaow/research/livepulsegames-chi2015.pdf

문경원 – John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers, Personal Tracking as Lived Informatics, CHI’14 http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~depstein/hcde596/papers/rooksby_chi14.pdf

송지혜 – EK Choe, B Lee, M Kay, W Pratt, JA Kientz, SleepTight: Low-burden, Self-monitoring Technology for
Capturing and Reflecting on Sleep Behaviors, UBICOMP’15 https://faculty.ist.psu.edu/choe/download/UBICOMP-2015-Choe-SleepTight.pdf

김민정 – Matthew Mauriello, Michael Gubbels, Jon E. Froehlich, Social fabric fitness: the design and evaluation of wearable E-textile displays to support group running, CHI’14 http://www-lb.cs.umd.edu/~jonf/publications/Mauriello_SocialFabricFitness-DesignAndEvalOfWearableETextileDisplays_CHI2014.pdf

최한아 – Eun Kyoung Choe, Nicole B. Lee, Bongshin Lee, Wanda Pratt, Julie A. Kientz, Understanding Quantified-Selfers’ Practices in
Collecting and Exploring Personal Data, CHI’14 http://research.microsoft.com/EN-US/UM/REDMOND/GROUPS/cue/publications/CHI2014-QuantifiedSelf.pdf

김명한 – Róisín McNaney, Madeline Balaam, Amey Holden, Guy Schofield, Dan Jackson, Mary Webster, Brook Galna, Gillian Barry, Lynn Rochester, Patrick Olivier, Designing for and with People with Parkinson’s: A Focus on Exergaming, CHI’15 http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roisin_McNaney/publication/275890974_Designing_for_and_with_People_with_Parkinson’s_A_Focus_on_Exergaming/links/5548e3770cf2ebfd8e3ad156.pdf

김치호 – Chris Elsden, David Kirk, Mark Selby, Chris Speed, Beyond Personal Informatics: Designing for Experiences with Data, CHI EA’15 http://openlab.ncl.ac.uk/beyondpersonalinformatics/files/2014/12/BPI-Proposal-Final.pdf

장민수 – Gerling, K. M., Schild, J., & Masuch, M. Exergame
Design for Elderly Users: The Case Study of SilverBalance.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology.
Presented at the ACE ’10. http://hci.usask.ca/uploads/248-p66-gerling.pdf


David Webster, Ozkan Celik, Systematic review of Kinect applications in
elderly care and stroke rehabilitation, JNER’14 http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/pdf/1743-0003-11-108.pdf

Melanie Swan, Health 2050: The Realization of Personalized Medicine through Crowdsourcing, the Quantified Self, and the Participatory Biocitizen http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4426/2/3/93/htm

Melanie Swan, The Quantified Self http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/big.2012.0002