Individual Assignment (Midterm Presentation on 10/19)

문백산 – Melanie Swan, Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Wearable Computing, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2.0 http://www.mdpi.com/2224-2708/1/3/217/htm

박재한 –  J Clawson, JA Pater, AD Miller, ED Mynatt, Lena Mamykina, No Longer Wearing: Investigating the Abandonment of
Personal Health-Tracking Technologies on Craigslist, UBICOMP’15 http://www.andrewmiller.net/pdf/2015_Clawson.pdf

홍석이 – Teng Han, Xiang Xiao, Lanfei Shi, John Canny, Jingtao Wang, Balancing Accuracy and Fun: Designing Camera Based Mobile Games for Implicit Heart Rate Monitoring, CHI’15 http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~jingtaow/research/livepulsegames-chi2015.pdf

문경원 – John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers, Personal Tracking as Lived Informatics, CHI’14 http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~depstein/hcde596/papers/rooksby_chi14.pdf

송지혜 – EK Choe, B Lee, M Kay, W Pratt, JA Kientz, SleepTight: Low-burden, Self-monitoring Technology for
Capturing and Reflecting on Sleep Behaviors, UBICOMP’15 https://faculty.ist.psu.edu/choe/download/UBICOMP-2015-Choe-SleepTight.pdf

김민정 – Matthew Mauriello, Michael Gubbels, Jon E. Froehlich, Social fabric fitness: the design and evaluation of wearable E-textile displays to support group running, CHI’14 http://www-lb.cs.umd.edu/~jonf/publications/Mauriello_SocialFabricFitness-DesignAndEvalOfWearableETextileDisplays_CHI2014.pdf

최한아 – Eun Kyoung Choe, Nicole B. Lee, Bongshin Lee, Wanda Pratt, Julie A. Kientz, Understanding Quantified-Selfers’ Practices in
Collecting and Exploring Personal Data, CHI’14 http://research.microsoft.com/EN-US/UM/REDMOND/GROUPS/cue/publications/CHI2014-QuantifiedSelf.pdf

김명한 – Róisín McNaney, Madeline Balaam, Amey Holden, Guy Schofield, Dan Jackson, Mary Webster, Brook Galna, Gillian Barry, Lynn Rochester, Patrick Olivier, Designing for and with People with Parkinson’s: A Focus on Exergaming, CHI’15 http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roisin_McNaney/publication/275890974_Designing_for_and_with_People_with_Parkinson’s_A_Focus_on_Exergaming/links/5548e3770cf2ebfd8e3ad156.pdf

김치호 – Chris Elsden, David Kirk, Mark Selby, Chris Speed, Beyond Personal Informatics: Designing for Experiences with Data, CHI EA’15 http://openlab.ncl.ac.uk/beyondpersonalinformatics/files/2014/12/BPI-Proposal-Final.pdf

장민수 – Gerling, K. M., Schild, J., & Masuch, M. Exergame
Design for Elderly Users: The Case Study of SilverBalance.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology.
Presented at the ACE ’10. http://hci.usask.ca/uploads/248-p66-gerling.pdf


David Webster, Ozkan Celik, Systematic review of Kinect applications in
elderly care and stroke rehabilitation, JNER’14 http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/pdf/1743-0003-11-108.pdf

Melanie Swan, Health 2050: The Realization of Personalized Medicine through Crowdsourcing, the Quantified Self, and the Participatory Biocitizen http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4426/2/3/93/htm

Melanie Swan, The Quantified Self http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/big.2012.0002

Term Project1

Design of Portable Multimedia Devices (448460)

– iOS Quantified Self Movement Application –

Fall 2015

Kyoung Shin Park

October 5, 2015


Development of iOS Quantified Self Movement Application (40%)


  • Projects can be done as groups of 1- or 2-students.

-Students are encouraged to work on a project related to your own area of interest (idea brainstorming, related work survey)


  • Term Project Proposal Report & Presentation (10/12)

-Proposal Presentation (10 minutes) & 2~3 page Report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes project group name, project conceptual design, brainstroming, design document, development plan, member roles, etc.


  • Term Project Midterm Progress Report & Presentation (11/2)

-Midterm Progress Presentation (10~15 minutes presentation & 5 minutes Q&A) and 2~3-page Report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes application contents, development method, system architecture, detailed module specification, member roles, main functions, user interface, etc.

-Submit the TermProject-Midterm-GroupName.ppt & .doc onto online.dankook.ac.kr


  • Term Project Implementation
  • Term Project Progress Report

-Your group project blog will also help monitor your steady progress across the semester


  • Term Project Final Report & Presentation (12/15)

-Final Presentation (20~30 minutes presentation & 10 minutes) & 10-page

report (single-space, 10-point font)

-It includes application contents, execution method, system architecture, implementation details (source code), user interface design and usability evaluation, term project critique, group members evaluation, etc.

-Submit the TermProject-Final-GroupName.ppt & .doc onto online.dankook.ac.kr


  • The final project demonstration will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


-GUI design (graphics)


-Online help, configuration, etc

Body Mass Index

BodyMassIndex 방식의  표준체중 (StandardWeightCalculator) 및 일일 칼로리 섭취량 계산기



(1) 사용자에게 키(Height), 몸무게(Weight), 성별(Male/Female), 나이(Age), 활동량(Low/Medium/High)를 입력 받는다. 입력받는 키의 단위는 cm이고, 몸무게의 단위는 kg이다.
(2) 성별(Gender)에 따라서 표준체중값(Standard Weight)을 화면에 출력한다.
Male: StandardWeight = Height * Height * 22 * 0.0001
Female: StandardWeight = Height * Height * 21 * 0.0001
(3) BMI지수를 다음 공식으로 계산하고 결과를 화면에 출력한다.
BMI = Weight / (Height * Height * 0.0001)
(4) 다음 기준에 따라 BMI를 판단해서 화면에 출력한다.
BMI >= 29 => Obesity
24 <= BMI < 29 => Overweight
20 <= BMI < 24 => Normal
BMI < 20 => Underweight
(5) 다음 공식으로 일일 칼로리 섭취량 (Daily Calory Intake)을 화면에 출력한다.
Low: ActivityCalory = 1.3
Medium: ActivityCalory = 1.5
High: ActivityCalory = 1.75

Male: DailyCaloryIntake = (66.47 + (13.75 * Weight) + (5.0 * Height) – (6.76 * Age)) * AcitivityCalory
Female: DailyCaloryIntake = (655.1 + (9.05 * Weight) + (1.85 * Height) – (4.86 * Age) * AcitivityCalory



AridityIndex (VC)

AridityIndexCalculator (MVC)

(1) 사용자에게 연강수량(Precipitation)과 연평균기온(Temperature)를 입력 받는다. 연강수량의 단위는 mm이고, 연평균기온의 단위는 C(섭씨)이다.
(2) 건조지수를 다음 공식으로 계산하고 결과를 화면에 출력한다.
건조지수 AI = Precipitation/ (Temperature + 10)
(3) 다음 기준에 따라 기후의 상태를 판단해서 화면에 출력한다.
AI >= 60 => Perhumid
30 <= AI < 60 => Humid
20 <= AI < 30 => SubHumid
15 <= AI < 20 => SemiArid
5 <= AI < 15 => Arid
AI < 5 => ExtremelyArid

Fundamental Design Patterns

Fundamental Design Patterns



Use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern ensures that the objects you create now can be reused or updated easily in future versions of your application. http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/General/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MVC.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008195-CH32


The delegation design pattern allows you to change the runtime behavior of an object without subclassing. Delegation is a pattern where one object sends messages to another object—specified as its delegate—to ask for input or to notify the it that an event is occurring.

Controls use the target-action design pattern to notify your application of user interactions. Target-Action is a design pattern in which an object holds the information necessary to send a message to another object when an event occurs.


Other Design Patterns


The Launch Cycle


When your app is launched (either into the foreground or background), use your app delegate’s application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: methods.

At launch time, the system automatically loads your app’s main storyboard file and loads the initial view controller. For apps that support state restoration, the state restoration machinery restores your interface to its previous state between calls to the application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: methods.